Small Resident Tag
The RoamAlert tag is small and lightweight: only a third of an ounce and one inch across. With no hard edges, it is safe to use even on the most delicate skin, and so small that residents and family will barely notice it.
Personalized Resident Protection
The RoamAlert system offers many options for customizing protection for each resident—letting them pass through some exits, but not others—giving them the maximum possible freedom.
Integration to Arial Platform
The RoamAlert solution integrates with Securitas Healthcare’s Arial emergency call solution, allowing you to consolidate alerts and reporting into a single system.
Scalable and Expandable
RoamAlert lets you start with one or two doors for perimeter protection and expand up to a community-wide system for wander management and resident locating.
Discover our Next-Gen Solution
WanderGuard BLUE Wander Management