T12sb Staff Badge
Personal panic button that becomes part of the uniform
Press in duress
Equip hospital staff with a personal panic button that they can press in instances of duress or when assistance is required so staff can quickly and discretely signal for help for themselves or others. MobileView will direct this alert to security personnel or other responders with badge location at time of assistance call as well as following the badge movement on a facility map.
In addition to the Instant Notifier application, the duress alarm can be sent to secondary alerting platforms such as alarm central or incident management applications. Staff receives reassurance that help is on the way via alert acknowledgment with configurable LED and buzzer confirmation on the badge.
Portable staff safety. Ease of management. Scalable.
Easy to call for help
Large call button includes configurable audible and vibration alerts for duress calls, acknowledgment notifications, alarm mode, and support for testing stations.
One badge, many uses
Expand into a variety of RTLS use cases including Staff Workflow, Staff Visibility, Nurse Call Cancellation, Patient Experience and more.
Long battery life
Provides up to 18 months of battery life*. The badge can report its battery level which is displayed in MobileView. The T12sb Badge also has a motion sensor to conserve battery life when the badge is not in motion.
*Battery life depends on configuration.

Location accuracy
Embedded ultrasound receivers capture the signals and report their exact location over the Wi-Fi network. Exciters transmit ultrasound signals, which do not pass through walls, helping deliver location reports at room-level accuracy.
Easy to configure
Convenient deployment using Deployment Manager for initial badge setup. Bi-directional communication allows for over-the-air updates.
Ease of fleet management
Batteries can be easily changed without any unscrewing — just open the badge battery door using a dedicated tool and replace it. After replacement, the battery counter is automatically reset.