Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Case Study

Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust is on a digital transformation journey that enabled it to respond with speed to the unprecedented surge in patients caused by COVID-19. Here's how they approached the critical task of maximizing availability of mobile medical equipment across two hospitals.
What began as a process improvement initiative turned into crisis response. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trust had been looking for ways to automate manual processes for locating and managing assets across the two hospitals. The digital health team realised that this technology could prove invaluable in addressing the expected surge in patients, when every piece of kit would be desperately needed.
What You'll Learn
- How the digital health team partnered with clinicians and medical engineering to implement asset management in just 7 days... remotely and during a pandemic
- The strategy to allocate assets and manage them across two different sites, and to care separately for COVID-19 patients and other patient groups
- Ways to approach process redesign to maximise the benefit of real-time data while meeting the needs of users of the solution
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“Decisions being made felt incredibly powerful, but they had to be made at pace.”