Five Benefits of a Modern Emergency Call Platform

Discover the top five benefits of a modern emergency call system for your senior living community.
Has your senior living community been using the same emergency call system for years (if not decades)?
If so, you aren’t alone – and you could be missing opportunities to transform how your staff engage with residents and your administrators manage day-to-day operations.
What are some of the capabilities of an advanced emergency call platform?
How might these capabilities benefit the people who live – and work – in your senior living community?
Read on to learn five benefits of a modern emergency call system.
1. Caregivers can respond more quickly and effectively to calls for help.
Legacy emergency call systems cover the “basics.” A modern platform with a mobile app can do much more – helping caregivers improve the speed and coordination of their responses to residents’ calls for assistance.
Using a mobile app, caregivers can receive and accept alarms. They can also clearly see who is responding. Caregivers waste less time determining who’s doing what; they have more time to spend on high-quality interactions with residents.
2. Get a more accurate understanding of resident needs and care delivery.
By nature, resident care plans are dynamic. But often it’s hard to identify and justify when an individual needs a higher level of care. A modern emergency call platform can help.
Using a mobile app, like the intuitive Arial Mobile App, you and your caregivers can capture important information. That includes the nature and length of caregiver/resident encounters, services provided and notes about the resident’s individual needs.
It’s not unusual for an individual to start calling for help much more frequently and/or to address needs outside their care plan. With a modern platform, you can document these changes and use them to update that person’s care plan.
Clinical leaders and administrators can also use that information to identify opportunities to improve how staff are trained and deployed.
3. Enable residents to call for help from anywhere in your community.
Most old-school systems rely on fixed call stations and pull cords. A modern emergency call system supports a wide range of devices: personal pendants, wrist wearables and fixed call stations. Having all these options makes it easy for your residents to call for help from anywhere in your community.
4. Centralize your alarms and notifications – and deliver them immediately.
An advanced effective emergency call platform provides a centralized view of alarms and notifications.
When a resident calls for help, it serves up a map showing precisely where that person is requesting assistance. It also delivers complete information on the resident, alarm and location directly to caregivers via a mobile app, IP phones, pagers or other means.
What’s more, an advanced emergency call platform can centralize alarms and notifications across your other life safety systems. Imagine having a single view for alarms and notifications related to emergency calls; smoke detection and fire alarms; wireless sensors for motion detection, door/window contacts, glass-break sensors; and temperature and humidity monitors.
5. Do more than react and respond. Generate insights for performance improvement.
At a minimum, every emergency call system exists to support the day-to-day need to react and respond to residents’ calls for help.
A modern emergency call system can transform all that e-call data into valuable insights for managing and improving performance. And it can serve up at-a-glance insights that tell you how you’re performing against key benchmarks. You can gain real-time awareness and visibility to a range of key performance indicators (KPIs). These might include KPIs related to alarm responses, resident and caregiver encounters, alarm types and distribution, and more.
A modern emergency call platform offers benefits to everyone in your community.
Ready to explore the benefits of a modern emergency call platform for your senior living community? As you evaluate your options, don’t settle for a newer version of what you’ve always had. Reimagine what’s possible.
Start by exploring the Arial Emergency Call System and the modern capabilities it delivers. Then reach out to start discussing how it can benefit your community.